Duck breast is delicious. Render the fat and it will develop a crispy crunchy skin! INGREDIENTS Duck Breast 4 6 oz duck breast with skin on 1 tbsp kosher salt...
Chicken Tikka Masala is creamy and easy to make right at home in one pan with simple ingredients! Full of incredible flavors, it rivals any Indian restaurant! Aromatic golden chicken...
Sambal is a chilli sauce, typically made from a mixture of a variety of chilli peppers and flavored with various herbs and sauces. Mine focuses on lemongrass and lime, but...
habanero peppers sound scary, but if you treat them right, they deliver a deep floral flavor with just the right burn. INGREDIENTS 10 habanero peppers 1 medium peeled carrot 1/2...
Red Snapper is a delicate white fish that takes on whatever flavors you surround it with. I went with a floral and peppery Thai-inspired cooking method. INGREDIENTS When it comes...
I wontons are great and versatile! They can be boiled, steamed and fried! You can fill with any combination of ingredients, but this version shines with pork! INGREDIENTS WONTONS...
Larb is a meat salad consisting of ground meat, herbs, chilies, fish sauce, lime juice, and toasted ground rice. Larb originated in Laos, and is also eaten in areas of...
Romesco Sauce is a creamy and zippy red-pepper sauce that is found in NE Spain. INGREDIENTS 2 red bell peppers – roasted and peeled 1 yellow bell pepper – roasted...
What makes moussaka so special? For me, it’s the perfect balance of meat and and the most delicious béchamel. Some add potato, but i like it with just eggplant. This...
Stifado is a traditional and hearty Greek rabbit stew. The recipes vary depending where you’re at in Greece, but my favorite is a Zakynthian style with flavors of cinnamon and...