This Indian-inspired dish is quick, easy, spicy and delicious! Cool your mouth down by topping the lentils with a cool dallop of Raita. CLICK HERE for a simple Raita...
Magiritsa is a Greek soup made from lamb and is associated with the Easter tradition of the Greek Orthodox Church INGREDIENTS: 2-3 lbs lamb shoulder 1 cup rice Green Onion...
My mom makes different types of Avgolemono depending on what she’s cooking: Avgolemono for Soup Whip 2-3 egg whites like a meringue Add one yolk and fold in Add juice...
Ingredients: 2 baskets of flavorful mushrooms roughly chopped baby portabella works great OR 1 basket + 2 large portabellas OR 4-5 large portabellas 1 can chicken stock 1 yellow onion...
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